2000 Michael Kenna Wall Calendar
13 Photographs
Published by: Nazraeli Press, USA
Cover - Look Out, Chesil Beach, Dorset, England, 1990
January - Winter Night, St Petersburg, Russia, 1999
February - Ten Trees, Peterhof, Russia, 1999
March - Arigato Sugimoto-san, Calais, France, 1998
April - Two Cows and a Dovecote, Somerset, England, 1990
May - Eiffel Tower, Study 3, Paris, France, 1987
June - In the Balance, Dinard, France, 1993
July - Fifty Five Birds, Wolverton, Buckinghamshire, England, 1991
August - Summer Shadows, Nottinghamshire, England,1998
September - Supports de Jettée, Ruhl Plage, Nice, France, 1997
October - Clin d'Oeil à Brassai, Mont St Michel, Normandy, France, 1998
November - Children of the Trianon, Versailles, France, 1996
December - Above the Abreuvoir, Marly, France, 1996.